Green Initiatives

Mia Shower Doors cares about the planet! We like to do our part (meager though it may be in the grand scheme of things) to reduce, reuse, and recycle when possible.

Mia Shower Doors Implements Green Initiatives

  • Buy  our glass locally to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Highly discount our glass sealant products, trying to get them on as many units as possible. These products reduce or eliminate the need for toxic chemicals in the cleaning process.
  • Use GPS to plan and coordinate all appointments, leading to efficient routes and making “getting lost” a thing of the past.Have a digital fax system and rely on email for invoicing and communication to reduce our paper trail, taking care to only print out documents when absolutely necessary.
  • Offer a wide selection of low iron glass options.
  • Recycle first, throw away last. Whether it’s aluminum, broken glass, cardboard, wood, paper, or plastic, we only use the local landfill as a last resort.

Our biggest green initiative is simply working in the glass industry though. Since its main ingredient is silica (sand), glass is a naturally green product! For all these reasons and more, know that Mia Shower Doors cares about more than just your business. We care about our communities and planet, and we’re committed to doing our part to keep them clean and verdant for generations to come.